Become a Member of IAMI

1.1 Full Membership
An institution shall be eligible for full membership if:

1.1.1 The Institution provides education and training for personnel in, or intending to join, the Merchant Navy, Super Yacht or Fishing Industries.


1.1.2 The Institution offers the total shore based training requirements for at least one complete MCA (or equivalent) Certificate of Competence and/or one complete MNTB (or equivalent) approved maritime qualification.

1.2 Associate Membership
Institutions which deliver high quality maritime education and training, but do not offer the full Certificate of Competency (CoC’s) training

1.3 Affiliates

Organisations or persons which support, sponsor or are actively involved in the promotion of careers and/or training in the maritime industry.

Employers of mariners who are engaged with training and education.

1.4 Applications for membership to Full, Associate or Affiliate, shall be made on the prescribed application form to the IAMI Secretary on behalf of the Institution making application, and shall be considered by the IAMI Directors at their next meeting.

When considering applications IAMI Directors will take into account.

1.4.1 Recognition, if appropriate, by MNTB, SFIA and MCA in the UK, or their equivalents in other IMO White Flag listed countries, and by relevant Awarding Bodies, as an approved assessment Centre for the award of MN, Superyacht and/or Fishing qualifications.

1.4.2 The significant of the Institution’s contribution to the training needs of either the MN, Superyacht or Fishing Industries within the sector in which it has chosen to offer high quality provision.

1.4.3 The total number of full time equivalent teaching and support staff committed to maritime education

1.5 The annual subscription to the Association shall be agreed at the Annual General Meeting, and is payable from 1st April each year.

IAMI Application form 2022